Tuesday, 20 August 2013


As a business owner you are most likely very, very good at what you do.  However, many small business owners find that they are not very, very good at the day-to-day operations of running the business.  At Brim Consortium we come alongside you and help inject much needed common sense into your business structure. 
We are business management consultants specializing in implementing well proven management profitability and organizational improvements. We understand the many challenges facing businesses in today's fast-paced and competitive climate. We understand because many of our associates have owned or currently head-up their own successful business organizations.

Is your business requiring more and more of your time to maintain, much less to grow? Is it becoming your life, rather than your livelihood? Or, are you experiencing declining profits, markets, efficiencies, all of which you have grappled with alone. Have the results of your improvement initiatives proven disappointing in spite of all your efforts? Have you lost your business focus? Are you uncomfortably deep into your bank line of credit, or is your bank lending facility currently becoming overly burdensome? Or is it more serious; has your business declined to the turnaround stage? 
We can help you:
  • cut operational costs
  • reduce business risk
  • create brand value
  • generate revenue from new sources
  • transform your company into an innovative market leader ahead of the competition

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