Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Business Training Programes

In our consulting practice, we encounter many entrepreneurs with sound business ideas but need help to launch their businesses. There are also many who are in the first years of their business operations and can use a little support. We also deal with seasoned companies who want to maximize their employee's talents and skills or do a complete overhaul of their business ideology. We have trained employees at all levels of companies providing comprehensive training, speaking, coaching, and business training services for organizations worldwide.
Some of our popular training topics include:
  • human resources training
  • business etiquette training
  • cross cultural training
  • management training
  • leadership training
  • presentation skills trailing
  • communication and speaking training
  • time management and productivity training
  • customer service training
  • negotiation training
  • sales training
  • writing training
  • business organization training
  • creativity and critical thinking training
  • finance planning and management training
  • and many other other topics...
To start with companies will receive an one hour fact-finding meeting, and two to four hours of consultation in face-to-face times, phone conversations, and/or email communications, whichever method(s) participants choose and is possible based on geographic location. After assessing your goals and objectives, we will make a customized business training program that will meet your company's needs with courses, seminars and workshops. Our consultants will be your point of resources and reference. As well, you will receive valuable business tips from us on an on-going basis. We offer some of the best practical business training programs available from our associates (forming the Consortium) who have worked in a wide range of industries and know the challenges and roadblocks to helping a company move ahead.

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